Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Perfect Sunday

Today was one of those January days that exemplifies California living. A vigorous walk on (the almost empty) Marina State Beach this afternoon was complete with huge crashing surf, clear-blue skies, 65 degree weather and none of the typical fog threatening to slip in over Monterey Bay.

A trip to Star Market in Salinas was a treat - Michael, formerly of The Cheese Shop in Carmel is in charge of their new cheese department and what a delicious job he has done putting it together. We finally decided on an aged gouda and a creamy, nutty French brie. He's a wonderful host, and we left with the promise to return soon. Their wine department is very extensive and I am also happy to report that Star Market has the largest selection of Bob's

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sunday Vegetable Gardening In December

It was scheduled to rain but I had plans. Cilantro. Escarole. Red onions, mixed lettuces, Cheddar cauliflower, Roquette, Chinese cabbage, celery - all had to be planted by days end. It is a pleasure to garden in December in California. There are no bugs to speak of (except those juicy earthworms) and easy-breezy crops that practically grow themselves. Not at all like raising tomatoes that require staking and a regular talking-to.

The sun came out unexpectedly. And, out with the remains of the pumpkins, in with the greens. Dinner will be a pizza: garlic, sauteed in olive oil with Swiss Chard upon a gluten-free pizza crust filled with organic marinara, quatro-fromaggio from Trader Joe's and sprinkled with organic raw pumpkin seeds and chopped Kalamata olives. The combination of the sweet, salty, tangy, cheesy and crunchy is just the perfect end to a perfect day. Did I mention I'm in front of an oak fire sipping a glass of Rhone-style red?